Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on the question to reveal the answer

How do I log into Contracts on Line?

Click on the below link

Enter your username (Email address) and your password.

What if I have forgotten my password?

Navigate to enter your username (Email Address) and click Submit. An email will be sent to you; follow these instructions to reset your password.

What if I am still having problems with logging into Contracts on Line?

Call the HIA Memberline on 1300 650 620 between the hours of 8.00am and 6.30pm EST

Can I change my details from Contracts on Line?

Member information can only be changed by logging into or by contacting your local office.

Can I insert my company logo onto the Contract?

Yes. Click on My Details, under Logo click on Browse and insert the logo from your computer.

  • Logos can only be no more than 200,000kb in size
  • Must be in one of the following file types: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF
  • dimensions must be no more than 300px wide and 80px high (images will be scaled up to this size if they are smaller)

What contracts are available for purchasing?

Click on Inventory then the relevant State, to see what contracts are available for purchase.

How do I purchase a contract?

By clicking on Inventory then the relevant State. Enter the number of credits you require, click on purchase and you will be redirected to the payment page. Here you can choose between buying on account or using your credit card. A minimum of $1000 is required for purchases on account.

You can also purchase contracts directly from My Contracts screen, if you have insufficient credits you are presented with Purchase Credits option which will be directed to a payment page.
NOTE: A minimum of 2 credits is required to complete a contract.

What if I have credit card problem?

If you have a credit card issue contact the HIA Memberline on 1300 650 620 between the hours of 8.00am and 6.30pm EST.

How do I know how many credits I have left?

Click on Inventory then the relevant State and the number of credits for each contract are displayed under the Current Credits heading.

How do I create a Contract?

Click on Create then the relevant State. Select the contract and click on Create Contract.

How do I create a template?

Click on Create then the relevant State. Select the contract and click on Create Template.

How do I create a contract from a template?

Click on Create then My Templates. Select the template and click on Create Contract.

How do I edit a template?

Click on Templates. Click on the relevant Template and select Edit.

Can I edit my Contracts?

Yes you can edit and preview your contract as many times as needed without charge.

Can I preview my contract?

Yes you can by clicking on the contract and selecting Preview

What if I do not have Adobe installed on my computer?

Adobe can be installed free of charge from the following link

What if I need to edit a completed contract?

To edit a completed contract you must Open to Edit. This will move the completed contract to Archive and produce a copy in My Contracts which can then be edited.
NOTE: Payment is required to complete the contract again.

Can I make handwritten changes to my contract?

It is acceptable to make handwritten changes as long as they are readable and are initialled by all parties